Refuge - Student Ministry


Sunday - 9 AM & 11 AM, Wednesday - Refuge 6 PM, Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 2 PM


We are a discipleship based student ministry whose desire is to love the students of our community by serving them.

>>Provide opportunities for students to ENCOUNTER Christ.

>>Provide opportunities for students to CONNECT with each other (a home, a place to belong).

>>Provide opportunities for students to GROW in faith.

>>Provide opportunities for students to SERVE others.

Refuge Youth meets on Wednesdays at The Crossing. Doors open at 5:30pm and students are invited to come, hangout, play ball, & join us for pre-service prayer. Concessions are available before each service with things like pizza, candy, & soda. Once the service begins, it's a night packed full of fun, relationship, teaching, & games from beginning to end. Our prayer is that Refuge provides an environment that allows for students to let go of the weight of whatever they are carrying & walk into the presence of God. This night is dedicated to giving students the opportunity to better understand The Word & encounter Jesus in the most exciting & impactful way possible.